Get Started
We care about making a difference and positively impacting everyone we work with.

Before we start any project, we want to perform a FREE Business Impact Assessment to understand how much our custom AI solutions can impact your business.

The process starts with a quick introductory call to discuss your project, how it can affect you business, and what we can provide to ensure you get the most out of it. A bilateral NDA is generally executed prior to disclosing any trade secrets.

Once we receive sufficient information regarding the project and the applications with you, we discuss it with our team. We then provide you with a detailed project proposal consisting of the problem, a summary of our proposed solution, impact of the solution, a development plan, a timeline to implement the solution, and the budget needed to make this work. We then meet to discuss the proposal and to answer any questions you have.

Depending on the project and your strategies, we could discuss a partnership, joint venture, or work-for-hire agreement. Please go ahead and schedule the introductory call using the form below.

If you have have other inquiries, feel free to contact us.